Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Weekend...

I woke up on Friday for the first time all week without pain in my back. Praise Jesus!!!! This was great because our whole school (all 60 of us) were going on a field trip. My first field trip in years :) We went to 2 very nice churches, headed over to a volcano, and then ended with having lunch at a beautiful restaurant. Let me show you...

We visited 2 beautiful churches. This church is actually 1 of 3 buildings that is left from the Colonial Period. It was built sometime in the 1500 and all the other buildings have been destroyed by earthquakes.

This is me and my roommate Carla in front of the other church we visited.

This is a little critter that I met at the volcano. I thought he was cute :)

This is Joanna and myself on the edge of the volcano. You can turn around and look inside of it. I had never seen a volcano and I was surprised to find green liquid that is not its technical term :)

This was the view from our table at the restaurant we had lunch at. It was breath takingly beautiful!

This is my friend, Abby. She is from Mexico :) She helps me with my Spanish and I help her with her English. I must say, she is doing much better than I am!!!

That picture was taken of us on the bus we were on all day. We were on it for like 5 1/2 hours. Needless to say my back did not like it and went crazy again over the weekend. I enjoyed my one day of walking normal :) Please pray that God would heal me again and that I would have the wisdom to take care of it!

This week some professors from AGTS are here teaching us 4 hours a day on missiology on top of our 4 hour class schedule. I am really excited about learning more on missiology but not so excited about sitting for so long....yikes! I'm still praising Jesus and I am very thankful for the opportunity to be here doing what I am doing. I know He has a plan and is using all this for His purpose :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Playing Hurt

This past Sunday at church the pastor preached on "Playing Hurt". Sometimes we live life under unoptimal conditions. When this happens we have a choice: we could choose to quit, just to give up and go home or we could play hurt. The pastor pointed out that if we quit then we won't see the reward of continuing on. I thought to myself, "That was a great message. I will have to remember that when things get tough again." Little did I know I was going to use that message the next day!

I get back spasms. Sometimes they last a few days and sometimes I am on the couch for a week and I am the most ridiculous looking thing walking around.

My back spasmed again yesterday and today I am missing class. I know that the Lord has brought me here and I know that He will bring me through. How will I lead a team if my back spasms again in the middle of no where? I don't know but I trust the Lord will come through again like He has done in the past. And I trust that if the Lord has brought me here that He isn't going to leave me here but He will provide a way.

Please pray for my back. Pray that my muscles loosen and that walking wouldn't hurt so much. Pray that my spirit stays strong and that I will take Joy in playing hurt.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine´s Day for Lauren Myerly...

I tried to send this through email but I wasn´t able to...this was the next best thing. Sorry it wasn´t more personal :)


Do you remember last year when I asked you to be my valentine? Well, I sort of assumed that you were my valentine again this year...:) Costa Rica has some really beautiful flowers and I wanted you to have them. So yesterday I went on a walk around town and took some pictures for you. This is your digital bouquet of flowers :)

I love you,

Monday, February 11, 2008

Pictures of my apartment!!!!!

Jesus is faithful. Sometimes I get selfish and I forget that. Sometimes I get caught up looking at all the negetive parts and all hard parts that I don't see the cool things God is doing or has done. Then I start to think that He owes me something. Afterall, I am His daughter and I am doing what He asked of me. Doesn't that deserve something!! Well no, not really. Good things happen because He is a good God, not because I am a good daughter. And that is the thought that put me in my place. Jesus is faithful. Halleluliah!!

This is our apartment. We might be moving upstairs in a couple of weeks but for now this is it!! An open room with a bed and a couch. There is another room divided off by some curtins. This is Christine our team leader and the lady who is teaching me how to do my new job.

This is Carla, the other lady traveling with us. She is standing in our bathroom that actually doubles as her bedroom. Behind her is a her bed. Being quiet in the morning to not wake up the others is just not an option.

This is our kitchen....kind of speaks for itself.

Our apartment was a coffee shop before we came so there are cute hand painted images throughout it. This is all hand painted around both of our windows. They are amazing!!!!

And this, my Friend, is my bed. It pulls out, but I think it is just a really cool couch!!

More pictures to come as soon as I find my batteries or buy new ones. I love you all!!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hola From Nicaragua!!!

Hey Everyone!

So not only did I am make it to Costa Rica safe I have also traveled to Nicaragua and I will be going back to Costa Rica very soon. Our job here, in Nicaragua, was to encourage surrounding churches and pastors to go out and tell people about Jesus. We wanted them to be on board with the importance of evangilizing so they will be very excited to help with our mission to reach all the children and youth in Nicaragua. We got to preach in 4 churches and hold a few trainings. After tonight's church service we will be done and will enjoy a day of sight seeing on Thursday (I'm going to see my first volcano:) and Friday we are back on a bus to Costa Rica. It has been really great being able to encourage church leaders and voluteers and to see this part of the process of Book of Hope but I am oober pumped about going to school and really can't wait for Feb. 10th which will be our first day to school.

Please pray for out of us caught a cold that has successfully reached 4 out of the 5 of us. I am doing much better now but I did have to miss a day and a half of ministry. Nothing the Lord can't fix, you know!

Also pray for our return trip on Friday. Thank you very much and I will write again soon :)