Hello Friends!!!
So I am in Potchefstroom for 2 weeks, well I have actually been here since Sunday, but I will have been here for 2 weeks. I then head back to Ingwavuma on the 4th of November. I am still going into schools and talking with students. Today we got to meet with students and talk about what is going on in their lives. In a group of 7 4 of the ladies I was talking to have been hospitalized for trying to commit suicide. One of the ladies just got out of the hospital a couple of days ago. There is a lot of pressure on both sides to have sex, the girls have to prove they are "good enough" and the guys have to prove they are men. Please pray for the students to see that their value does not come from sex or another person but their value comes from God and that makes them priceless.
I will be heading back to Ingwavuma and will be staying there until the end of November. Internet is probably not going to happen so please forgive me for not updating very often. I will be able to check my email again before I head back so feel free to send me a little "hello". Thank you for everyone who has commented on my blog or has sent me emails--I have really enjoyed them!!!
Bethany--sorry I can't put pictures on here now, I have a time limit and the internet is so slow I wouldn't even get it done. But one day Darling, I will put more pictures of me on here. Thanks for asking--I love you:)
My back is much better--thanks for all the prayers. I am out of time, but keep praying for children and for my team. I love you and will update again when I can!
p.s. My offical date of return is December 15th and my departure date is January 14th (yeah it changed again, but I get to see Sahi! :) I am spending a couple of days before Christmas with my dad, a couple of days after Christmas with my mom, and Januaray 9th with Amanda Vince. I would love to spend time with you while I am home!!! *just so you know*
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
Recap on the 10 day Team
My time with the 10 day team is nearing the end. We spent one week working in 2-3 schools a day, visited a squatter camp, worked with orphans, handed out food, and spoke on the radio! Whew....what a week. Let me tell you more and share with you some pictures :)
A squatter camp: 3000 people who have no money and no food. These people live on a piece of land that is not their own. The owner of the land may come at any moment and tell them to leave. The people then pack what little they do have and wonder around until they find another peice of land to squat. The most disturbing part is that just around the corner from the squatter camp is the most affluent population and some people outside the squatter camp don't even know that they are there. While our team was there we handed out food to 10 families, were able to pray with very ill people and visited a preschool.
At the preschool we made balloon animals for them.

My favorite drama we do is called "Values" or "Chappie". I get to pull a kid out of the crowd and tease them with gum and money. It is a lot of fun and then after I talk to them about how they are valuable. This picture is of the guy I called out. He had a great sense of humor and made it a lot of fun :)

Some beautiful girls we gave books to :)

Thanks to your support these amazing kids get to hear about Jesus. They get to hear about a God that loves them so much and how He thinks the world of them. They are important and God has a plan and a purpose for every single one of them. Please keep praying for the children. Also, please pray for my back. I love picking them up and telling them they are special but it is paying a toll on my back. I spent the last 2 days not being able to stand vertical. Praise the Lord one of the ladies on the 10 day team is a nurse/chiropractor!! I am walking almost normal but pray I can spend the next 2 months playing with and holding the children. I love you all!!!
A squatter camp: 3000 people who have no money and no food. These people live on a piece of land that is not their own. The owner of the land may come at any moment and tell them to leave. The people then pack what little they do have and wonder around until they find another peice of land to squat. The most disturbing part is that just around the corner from the squatter camp is the most affluent population and some people outside the squatter camp don't even know that they are there. While our team was there we handed out food to 10 families, were able to pray with very ill people and visited a preschool.

My favorite drama we do is called "Values" or "Chappie". I get to pull a kid out of the crowd and tease them with gum and money. It is a lot of fun and then after I talk to them about how they are valuable. This picture is of the guy I called out. He had a great sense of humor and made it a lot of fun :)
Some beautiful girls we gave books to :)

Thanks to your support these amazing kids get to hear about Jesus. They get to hear about a God that loves them so much and how He thinks the world of them. They are important and God has a plan and a purpose for every single one of them. Please keep praying for the children. Also, please pray for my back. I love picking them up and telling them they are special but it is paying a toll on my back. I spent the last 2 days not being able to stand vertical. Praise the Lord one of the ladies on the 10 day team is a nurse/chiropractor!! I am walking almost normal but pray I can spend the next 2 months playing with and holding the children. I love you all!!!
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