Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I'm Back!

Wow, it's hard to believe that my time in Africa is almost coming to a close!! I don't have much time but I wanted to let everyone know that I am flying out of Africa this Thursday 29th of November at around 7pm (12ish your time). If you could pray for safe travels and that I have a fun person to sit by on the 18 hour long plane ride back to Florida that would be great! I will be landing some time on the 30th. I am having a blast and learning so much!!! Thank you for all of the messages and emails. I love you and appriciate all of your love and support! The next time I talk to you might be over the phone ;)

Thursday, November 1, 2007


“If Christ be God and gave himself for me, then no sacrifice that I can make for him is too great.” C. T. Studd

We went to a school yesterday where at the end of our time there the teachers kept thanking us over and over again because they said our message is exactly what their kids needed to hear. The kids were a tough crowd and we felt like we did nothing but then came their smiles when we handed them their books, the smiles made the whole thing worth it.

The next couple of days along with taking the message of Jesus to students in farm schools (schools located on farms for the farm kids—creative, eh?) we are showing them Jesus in other tangible ways. These kids go to school sick and when nurses are called in no one comes. At another school the children walk kilometers to school barefoot because they don’t have any shoes. Today we brought them shoes and with tears in her eyes the teacher exclaimed, "How did you know?" Our answer was, "Jesus". Our other school told us that they can see a difference in the students about 6 months after they start attending there. Why? Because they feed them. The students suffer so much from malnutrition it is hard to teach them anything but the principal works hard to feed them and over time there is improvement. We are taking these schools shoes, medicines and food. We will also be bringing them a future hope in Jesus. Please pray for our next couple of days and that God will continue to meet the needs of these schools and the children that attend them.

This is me sharing my story of how my life was before Jesus and how it is now that I know Him. After each drama we tie in our stories to make them applicable to the kid's lives. Here I shared with a crowd of about 600 5-10 year olds. Standing near me is Chicky who translated what we said into Zulu.

I want to add more pictures but I am having difficulties. I will try again tomorrow:)