A squatter camp: 3000 people who have no money and no food. These people live on a piece of land that is not their own. The owner of the land may come at any moment and tell them to leave. The people then pack what little they do have and wonder around until they find another peice of land to squat. The most disturbing part is that just around the corner from the squatter camp is the most affluent population and some people outside the squatter camp don't even know that they are there. While our team was there we handed out food to 10 families, were able to pray with very ill people and visited a preschool.

My favorite drama we do is called "Values" or "Chappie". I get to pull a kid out of the crowd and tease them with gum and money. It is a lot of fun and then after I talk to them about how they are valuable. This picture is of the guy I called out. He had a great sense of humor and made it a lot of fun :)
Some beautiful girls we gave books to :)

Thanks to your support these amazing kids get to hear about Jesus. They get to hear about a God that loves them so much and how He thinks the world of them. They are important and God has a plan and a purpose for every single one of them. Please keep praying for the children. Also, please pray for my back. I love picking them up and telling them they are special but it is paying a toll on my back. I spent the last 2 days not being able to stand vertical. Praise the Lord one of the ladies on the 10 day team is a nurse/chiropractor!! I am walking almost normal but pray I can spend the next 2 months playing with and holding the children. I love you all!!!
Britt, your stories are amazing! I will pray for your back. Keep playing with the kids. I love you a lot!
Hi Brittany, I was so happy to see all your pictures. It looks like all the kids were having fun. Those kids will never forget all the hope you have given them. I was very sorry to hear about your back but I know you won't let it slow you down. Stay safe and keep all the stories coming. Love you, Dad and kim
More pictures of you, please. :) Praying for your back and loooove you! I have a mocha and a cinnamon crunch bagel on hold for you at Panera in December. :)
I love reading your blog! Its a little taste of you as you are gone. I can hear you making little noises in the stories! :) I will pray for the ladies, your back, the kids... and I miss you! Keep working hard! God has done an amazing thing with your life, and its just getting started! Praise the Lord!
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