So funny enough I updated even less with Internet access than I did without it. My bad. I am now back in Florida getting more training on changes that are going to take place this year and slowing hearing about what my next semester will look like. So far what I know is that I will be going to Costa Rica where I will be going to language school for a couple of months and then off to do more ministry in schools :) I will have Internet access all of the time so I should have no excuse for not keeping in touch.

Daneli and are back together again!!!! And she loves it :)

This is me and a few of the other RT Ladies :)
I heard once that young people were doing missions work because they were just looking for their next "experience". I was thinking about that and wondering how true that was for my life. Why am I doing this? Yeah, I love to try new things and I love having a story to tell. But I don't travel so I have another country under my belt or another pair of earrings from a place I can't pronounce. I do it so I can meet the people around the world that the Lord wants me to talk to specifically. I do it because I want the Lord to see that I am serious when I say "Send me. I'll go!" I do it because I want more people to find the love, peace and protection that only comes from knowing Jesus. I want to tell them that even when it doesn't look like anything is going right that the Lord has a plan and He is holding them in the palm of His hand. I go because I want to be the answer to someones prayer thrown up out of frustration in the middle of the night, "IF you are real-show me! Send someone to tell me!"
"Send me. I'll go." Isaiah 6:8
Thank you for sending. Thank you for praying.