So, the real reason for the blog: I have flight info for you!
April 19th We fly to the Dominican Republic
April 26th We fly to Columbia
May 9th We fly to Costa Rica
May 10th We fly to Florida
May 24th I fly to Ohio (I'm coming home for a little bit! :)
June 9th I fly back to Florida
*Whew* That is a lot of flying! Please be praying for me and my team that we will be safe while traveling, that we will be happy travelers no matter what situations we encounter. Please be praying that detail things get worked out like housing and transportation and that kind of stuff! Food! Food is always important :)
Update on me: My back is so much better! Thank you for all of your prayers! School is going well. We are learning a lot very fast so lately I have been really tired and taking like a 2 hour nap every afternoon! Yes, my friends, I am a 24 year old with a nap time :) I have 3 weeks left of school so please be praying that I finish out strong and come home speaking some Spanish :) Below are some silly pictures we took in my phonetics class yesterday, enjoy!
Sometimes phonetics is very difficult and this is what it does to us. The lady on the left is Autumn and she is with me from Book of Hope and the other lady is Debbie. She and her husband are fully appointed missionaries. With our forces combined class is not as boring as it could have been :)
Here is Roberto, our phonetics teacher. Behind him is what we are working on in class now and honestly he looks a little confused by it.....hmmm *shrugs shoulder*
This was Roberto's idea :) I am not sure if you can tell but the board says "help" :)
We are always being told by the nationals to open our mouths. "Abre su boca" they say because speaking English is different than speaking Spanish so Roberto has this folder with Sponge Bob on it and when our mouths start getting lazy he holds it up and says "Abre su boca!" This is Autumn imitating Sponge Bob :)
God Bless! And have a happy weekend!