Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey!!!

So I made it to Florida. My first day here I made a trip to the doctors and now I am immune to Typhoid and Polio--Thank you Jesus! I've been meeting new people and trying to charm them--I think it is going well :)

I wanted to give you an updated version of my tentative flight plans:

Sunday September 2nd we are dropped off at the airport at 6:30am. We fly to Atlanta to hop on the plane that will take us to Africa. The 2nd flight is 18 hours long!!! We land in Johannesburg somewhere around 4:30 pm on the 3rd of September.

I don't know how often I will be able to update. I have asked if we can receive mail and they are pretty sure once we get to Africa we will have a mailing address to be reached at. I will let you all know. I love hand written letters *wink*

If nothing else please know that Jesus is amazing and we (me, my team, and the children of Africa) need your prayers. I will post again sometime in Africa.
I love you all!!


Ashley said...

Love You! Miss you! :) I'm sure everyone finds you extremely charming ;)

Josh Latham said...

I hope your having a blast at the Forum!

Anne Vince said...

Hi Brittany, This is Amanda's mom. I just wanted to tell you, I am excited about what God means to you and what He has done in your life. I feel privileged to support you each month. I look forward to hear about your work in Africa and how God's has blessed your work, and how God has caused your to grow in Him. The Lord Bless you, Brittany.

the brannans said...

Whoo hoo Africa. We've got Europe, Africa, Texas, and Central America now. Where are we sending people next? We're taking the world for Jesus!

Tammy said...

I'll add you to the list of soldiers that I write to. Afterall, you're a different soldier of sorts (onward Christian soldiers)! : )

Mama Thorn