So how can you save $10, $20, even $100 a month? I know your time is precious so let me fill you in with what ever way is best for you...
The Short of It:
Due to a lack of funds I am coming off of the field and going home. If you are a monthly supporter this means that your last payment made is your last payment. If you send in checks you can stop and if you are a direct depositor you will need to call or email to get that canceled. You can call your email:
Sheryl Root: 954-975-7777 x127 or
The Long of It:
Yes, the time has come for me to say goodbye to my missionary friends and the life that I have been living for the past 16 months. I am coming home 8 months sooner than I first signed up for but through prayer and the advice of my leaders we think it best to bow out gracefully and just come home. I came back to Florida in September knowing that my support had not increased as much as it needed to. I sat down with our "Money Guy" and we decided that we would look at the numbers and I would stay with Book of Hope as long as the money would allow me to. We were looking at either December or May. It turns out that with what I did have coming in monthly and what I had saved in my cash fund I would be able to stay until December and I would have a plane ticket home. We have checked and I have enough money in my account to cover my expenses in December so there is no need for you all to support me that last month of December.
In July when things financially first started going south I cried and cried because this is where the Lord had called me and I just couldn't understand what was happening. It wasn't until September that I got some answers. I was reading about the fear and lack of trust in the Lord that the Israelites had regarding the daily provisions of manna. The Lord spoke to the Israelites: "Bear in mind that the Lord has given you the Sabbath; that is why on the sixth day he gives you bread for two days." Exodus 16:29 The Lord spoke to my heart: If the Lord planned it He will provide the resources. He also spoke to my heart Psalm 127:1a "Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain..." Was I laboring in vain trying to raise more support?
I believe it is in the Lord's will for me to come home and spend time with my family before I get married and move to Mexico. I believe it is the Lord's will for me to come home and work on building a strong foundation for our marriage. Missions and I are not through and neither is support raising. Kyle and I are planning on spending 2010 in Mexico serving with a college ministry there. We will begin support raising some time in the spring so please be in prayer about whether you will be able to team with us. If you would like more information about that please let me know!!
Thank you for supporting me this past year. I hope and pray that it was a blessing to you all as it was a blessing to me! I also hope that you enjoyed the blogs, the pictures, and the stories...I enjoyed bringing the "field" to you!
A young boy in Peru reading his book :)
Part of my room in Cusco, Peru.

We don't sign the books to keep the value of them all about Jesus and not about the crazy Americans who gave the books to them. The way the kids get around this is by having us sign their notebooks :) And that is what I am doing here.

Me doing the "Heart Drama". We shared with the youth that drugs, sex, alcohol, pretty much anything that isn't Jesus doesn't fill your heart. That is a job only our Lord can do!
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