Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hola From Nicaragua!!!

Hey Everyone!

So not only did I am make it to Costa Rica safe I have also traveled to Nicaragua and I will be going back to Costa Rica very soon. Our job here, in Nicaragua, was to encourage surrounding churches and pastors to go out and tell people about Jesus. We wanted them to be on board with the importance of evangilizing so they will be very excited to help with our mission to reach all the children and youth in Nicaragua. We got to preach in 4 churches and hold a few trainings. After tonight's church service we will be done and will enjoy a day of sight seeing on Thursday (I'm going to see my first volcano:) and Friday we are back on a bus to Costa Rica. It has been really great being able to encourage church leaders and voluteers and to see this part of the process of Book of Hope but I am oober pumped about going to school and really can't wait for Feb. 10th which will be our first day to school.

Please pray for out of us caught a cold that has successfully reached 4 out of the 5 of us. I am doing much better now but I did have to miss a day and a half of ministry. Nothing the Lord can't fix, you know!

Also pray for our return trip on Friday. Thank you very much and I will write again soon :)

1 comment:

the brannans said...

Britt it is so cool how much of the world you are getting to see. What awesome life experiences. Remember when you thought being a Christian meant being dull and unadventurous? I think it is so cool that you are getting to be one of the most adventurous people I know!