Monday, February 11, 2008

Pictures of my apartment!!!!!

Jesus is faithful. Sometimes I get selfish and I forget that. Sometimes I get caught up looking at all the negetive parts and all hard parts that I don't see the cool things God is doing or has done. Then I start to think that He owes me something. Afterall, I am His daughter and I am doing what He asked of me. Doesn't that deserve something!! Well no, not really. Good things happen because He is a good God, not because I am a good daughter. And that is the thought that put me in my place. Jesus is faithful. Halleluliah!!

This is our apartment. We might be moving upstairs in a couple of weeks but for now this is it!! An open room with a bed and a couch. There is another room divided off by some curtins. This is Christine our team leader and the lady who is teaching me how to do my new job.

This is Carla, the other lady traveling with us. She is standing in our bathroom that actually doubles as her bedroom. Behind her is a her bed. Being quiet in the morning to not wake up the others is just not an option.

This is our kitchen....kind of speaks for itself.

Our apartment was a coffee shop before we came so there are cute hand painted images throughout it. This is all hand painted around both of our windows. They are amazing!!!!

And this, my Friend, is my bed. It pulls out, but I think it is just a really cool couch!!

More pictures to come as soon as I find my batteries or buy new ones. I love you all!!!!


the brannans said...

Britt! You just updated this while I was posting a comment on the last one! So hi again! Your apartment looks adorable.

Anonymous said...

Faaaantastic talking to you today friend! And thanks for the e-mail. Love you a ton. :)

Ashley said...

You Live in a coffee shop!?!?! Way to live my dream, Britt! XD

Anonymous said...

Hey I updated my blog because you inspire me. Nice fightin' next to you Brittany Arthur. :)