Friday, October 31, 2008

I'm off again!

Funny, the last thing you heard from me was that I was back from Mexico and now after 3 weeks in the office I am off to Peru! Tomorrow a shuttle will pick me up at 12:45 in the afternoon to take me the 45 minutes to the Miami airport. I will be flying out at 5pm, landing in Lima, Peru at 9:35pm where I will be meeting up with my team of 14 adults. We will stay the night at a hotel and the following day take another plane to Cuzco, Peru. The whole week we have schools scheduled. We will be going into as many schools as they have for us to visit doing dramas, sharing our story of how Jesus has changed our lives and then we will be handing out the Book of Hope to each of the students. This is my favorite part of my job and I look forward to book distribution more than anything! The team I am leading is seasoned when it comes to Book of Hope trips, I believe this makes #10 for them!

Even still please be in prayer for us while we are gone. Continue to pray for safe travels and good health. The last day I am in Peru (Nov. 8) I will be alone while the team stays on for a few more days as a vacation. I will be flying throughout the night and landing back in Miami at 5:15am. Pray that the students will be in a place in their lives that they are willing and excited about making Jesus their Lord and Savior. Please pray against anything Satan will try to bring against us: poor attitudes, failing unity within the team, and selfishness.

After these travels the next time I get on a plane it will be bringing me back home to my my Kyle :)

I hope you get to spend good quality time with Jesus this week and I will see you again on the flip side! Adios

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