Wednesday, September 5, 2007

I made it!

So I've actually been here for a couple of days but I haven't been able to get access to the internet. All together it took us 34 hours to get here...."here" being a Game Farm. That's right kids I live on a Game Farm. This means while eating breakfast we watch giraffes scurry across a large dry field. It is beautiful! Our plane ride through Africa took 18 hours with a 1 hour gas refueling in Dakar, Senegal. I felt the affects of jet lag last night when I couldn't fall asleep until 3am and got back up at 6:30am. Needless to say today was a little rough. We are taking a week and a half to train here and then on the 12th we head out to are different locations. We will mostly be in South Africa with a chance of moving up north to Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, or possibly into Lesotho. I was told when I got to Florida to expect to lead a team sometime in May but recently found out I will be leading one Sept. 28-Oct.8. Where to I do not know :) Side note: we are 6 hours ahead of you.

The more I learn about Book of Hope the more amazed I am. "To affect destiny by providing God's eternal Word to every child and youth of the world" They live and breath this. And now do I. 5% of the kids in S. Africa go to church. Which means 95% of them do not. 1 in 10 people are affected with HIV/AIDS. There is a sick dilusion going through the country that if you sleep with a virgin you will be healed of AIDS. So rape is high. Kids having sex is starting regularly aroung the age of 12 or 13. So child rape is high. Also a lot of these kids have either lost one or both of their parents to HIV/AIDS. Please pray that our message of Hope and new life in Christ would penetrate the hearts of the children we meet. They said we will be going to the poorest places that they haven't been able to reach yet. Pray that the children and communities would reach out to Jesus to provide for their needs and that they don't rely on and become dependent of the Americans.

I hope to add pictures soon but have to wait until we go into town. I think that will be on Tuesday..? Rule #3 of missions work: Be flexible. I love you all!


Smoses said...

I am so proud of have no clue......Do amazing things for Jesus...then come home and have coffee with me at Panera...


Anonymous said...

So are you going to eat giraffe? I can't imagine you eating giraffe. Maybe having a pet giraffe though... :) Love and hugs from Texas!!